Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way – born this way
Born this way – Lady Gaga

Amsterdam Pride Week 2019
There are two major festivities in the Netherlands.
One of them is Kingsday (The birthday of the King, 27. of April) and the other is Gay Pride.
On these two occasions the whole city celebrates together and goes totally crazy.
This year is Pride Week between the 27th of July and 04th of August.
The Amsterdam Pride is one of the greatest gay events in the world, with more than 500.000 visitors and we are totally thrilled to be part of it.
During this week are plenty of street parties, events, different pride walks, even a drag queen olympics and the big final will be the famous canal parade on Amsterdams UNESCO channels.
Aga and me took already in March care, that we would be off on the big event.
Canal Parade
During the parade are more than 80 beautiful decorated boats on the channels in the city, loaded with happy party people.
After our first Amsterdam Pride last year, we really wanted to be on a boat ourselves, so I tried already two months ago to get tickets for us.
But no matter how hard I tried and how much money I was willing to spend – it was just impossible to get a place.

The boat story
Lesbi honest we were super disappointed that we wouldn’t celebrate on a boat – again.
But why is it so hard to get on a boat?
The answer is, since this year are plenty of new regulations and restrictions for all the sponsors of boats.
Only real LGBTQ supporters got the permission to let their boat into the channels.
To give you two prominent examples, PRIMARK was not allowed to participate with an own boat,
since they produce their products in India, and India is definitely not a gay friendly place.
The same happened to a Russian vodka brand, which didn’t get permission either, for the same reason.
The official statement was, that gay pride is not about making money with expensive tickets to join their boats, but about supporting the LGBTQ community.
Based on these changes there are not as many boats anymore, so as available places.
One more thing that we love about the Netherlands.
If the Dutch have to decide rather to make money or to make a point, they always make a point.
So even we’re sad not to be on a boat, we really support this decision!
Despite that the title of this post is “Guide to Pride”, we won’t list now all the events that you can join during this week, because there are already plenty of guides online, that you can check out – and there is even an App so you won’t miss out on anything.
“Remeber the the past create the future.”
Based on the 50 years anniversary of the Stonewall riots is the theme of this years Gay Pride all about the past as well as the future.
We will give you now a short throwback alongside with:

10 queer facts about the Netherlands
10) The Netherlands are one of the most gay friendly countries in the world and Amsterdam is for the LGBTQ community one of the most attractive cities in Europe
9) Same sex sexual activity was legalized already in 1811 and since 2014 transgender people are allowed to serve openly in the military
8) From1973 on homosexuality was not anymore classified as mental illness and discrimination based on sexual orientation in the military got banned
7) In 1987 Amsterdam built with the “National Homomonument” the first monument in the world to commemorate homosexuals who were persecuted and killed during World War II
6) The Equal Treatment Act got set in 1994 which bans discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing, public accommodations and other areas
5) Since 1998 same sex couples could receive benefits from the recognition of domestic partnerships
4) In 2001 the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize same sex marriage, alongside with same sex adoption
3) In April 2017 got a gay couple attacked in Arnhem by a group of Moroccan teens. After the attacks several politicians, police officers and even priests showed their support of the LGBTQ community by holding hands in public
2) In 2019 The Equal Treatment Act got extended to include discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristis
1) More than 93% of the Dutch support the LGBTQ community
So one more thing we love about the Netherlands. “Whoop Whoop”
Last but not least – Girls Talk.
What to wear on Pride?
Aga and me got today our last accessories for the parade. Of course everything is about colours and rainbows.
Beside the obligatory rainbowflag we got bags, suspenders, bracelets, flower necklaces, socks, face-colors,T-Shirts and even matching cups and napkins.
So you see, we’re absofuckinlutely ready to party!!!!

Do you still need a last minute outfit or accessory for the big day? Or are you already all set?
We love to hear about in the comments!
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