I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like…
You say black I say white…Bicycle – Queen
moment…nobody says here black. Because colourful is the new black!

A short notice: This is not a cooperation with Mango Bike, we neither got a penny for it, nor more pretty parts for our bikes. (that’s actually a pity!)
Nobody asked us to publish this post and unfortunately we won’t get any benefits from it too.
We just share this with you, because we are sooooo happy with our new toys.
The last time I was so excited about a bike, was when I got my first trekking bike, on Christmas, short after my 11st birthday.
It was my first bicycle that had gears and a straight handlebar, plus it came in my favourite colour at that time: purple.
But unfortunately was the weather bad and I had a flu – so I wasn’t allowed to take it out for a ride.
Every day I looked at my pretty bike, wishing I could finally take it for the first ride.
It didn’t took long until my mom left home and I decided to try my new bike in the living room.
Great idea.
I guess we all know what happened next?
The bicycle was still a bit too big for me and the living room was obviously too small to cycle in it, – so probably it took less than 10 seconds until I fell, with the bike, into my moms glass shelves.
The damage included all our wine glasses, a collection of Grappa and the shelves itself, which were out of glass.
But luckily my mom was so relieved, that I didn’t hurt myself (this could have ended pretty ugly!!!) that she wasn’t even angry.
Anyway after I told Aga this story, (btw I was already sitting on my new bike in our living room) she recommended instantly to head in direction park. To avoid a repetition of my childhood story.
But now back to the bikes!
Since we moved to Amsterdam last year, we planned to get our customised Mango bikes.
Because we just love colours!!!

Mango Bikes
is a British company, relocated to Northern Ireland, that sells customised single speed bikes. The mission is to sell customised bikes for masses. With the goal to produce individual quality bikes for everyone who wants to get on a ride. The bicycles are not only 100% customised but also affordable to everyone.
You can fully customise your bike on the website. From the handlebar to the pedal, is it possible to chose every single part
and the best: it’s available in all colours of the rainbow.
Hell yeah, we like that!
As soon you posted your order you will be updated about the process and your bike will go in queue to be build.
Usually it takes only about three days until your bicycle is ready to be shipped.
Aga waited only 10 days for her fully customised bike to arrive in Amsterdam.
Not too bad, or?

Since I really didn’t had the money to get myself a new bike (and totally refused Agas generous offer to buy me one) I planned to wait with it.
(…to wait for better days, a win in the lottery or a promotion at work…)
But then Aga found this amazing offer for a demo bike.
Of course I couldn’t customise it anymore, but I could still chose between a couple of super cool bikes and paid in the end only 300 Euro (plus the shipping of course).
Isn’t that awesome?!

Customised or not – I love my new bike and the colours are just super beautiful.
What’s about you? Would you consider to buy a single speed fixie bike for the city, or would you prefer a trekking – or mountain bike?
…or would you even stick to the classic “Oma fiets” aka Grandma bike?
Let us know!
We’re super curious!

Lovely and wonderful…
I love you my dear…❤??
Danke schööööön ❤️?